9 Cookery 


Name: _________________________________  Grade Level: _______________ 

Date: __________________________________ Score: ______________________ 



Multiple Choice  Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.  


1. Monica wants to prepare a leche flan, and she needs to measure evaporated milk. What tools does she need? 

 A. funnel            C. measuring cup for dry   B. measuring cup     D. measuring cup for liquid 

2. Dennis needs to cook a non-baked cookie. What tool does he need? 

        A. microwave oven      C. refrigerator          B. oven                           D. steamer 

 3. Jade was afraid to use a kitchen knife to open condensed milk. What tool does she need to use? 

        A. can opener          C. grater 

         B. chef knife             D. paring knife 

 4. What tool is used when temperatures must be kept below boiling? 

        A. double boiler     C. saucepan 

         B. grater                  D. steamer   

5. Michael wants to bake a cake. He needs to measure the flour. What tools does he need? 

            A. measuring spoon and fork 

            B. household scale and spatula 

            C. measuring cup for liquid, and a spatula 

            D. measuring cup for drying and a spatula   


6. Which tools are practical for opening food packages, cutting tape or string to package foods, or removing labels or tags from items? 

        A. can opener          C. kitchen shears 

        B. kitchen knives     D. scraper 

7. Which tool is necessary for preventing bacterial infections from foods? 

        A. mixer              C. refrigerator 

        B. range               D. scraper 


8. James needs to make a puree. What tool does he need? 

        A. blender              C. potato masher 

        B. mixer                   D. whisk 


9. Mimi wants to use cheese as a topping for her cake. What tool does she need? 

        A. fork                         C. grater 

        B. funnel                     D. mixing bowl 


10.  Andrea fried french fries. She wants to put her unused oil in a jar. What tool does she need?

     A. fork                   C. grater 

      B. funnel               D. mixing bowl 

11. Which of the following is a reason for eating dessert? 

    A. Most people love dessert. 

    B. Dessert is delicious food. 

    C. Dessert is a fattening food.

     D. Dessert can be an opportunity to be creative. 


12. Which of the following is NOT a reason for eating dessert? 

        A. Dessert is romantic. 

        B. Dessert is a fattening food. 

        C. Dessert makes us feel like a kid again. 

        D. Dessert can be an opportunity to be creative. 


13. Which of the following is the simplest dessert? 

        A. cheese                         C. fruits 

        B. custard                        D. pudding 


14. Which of the following is a dessert made from milk? 

        A. cheese                       C. fruits 

        B. custard                      D. pudding 


15. Which dessert is easy to prepare and economical? 

           A. cheese                        C. gelatin 

            B. fruit cobblers           D. pudding 


16. Which of the following is a dessert that varies with sauces? 

            A. cheese                        C. gelatin 

            B. fruit cobblers            D. pudding 

17. What dessert is topped with biscuit dough rather than being made with pie crust? 

            A. cheese                       C. gelatin 

           B. fruit cobblers            D. pudding 

 18. What frozen dessert is made from fruit juices, water, and sugar? 

            A.  frozen mousses      C. ice cream 

            B. graham          D. sherbet and ice 


19. What frozen dessert is a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavorings, and sometimes eggs? 

            A. frozen mousses      C. ice cream 

            B. graham           D. sherbet and ice 

20. Which of the following dessert may be served either hot or cold? 

      A. frozen mousses     C. ice cream 

      B. fruit cobblers     D. sherbet and ice 


21. Which of the following dessert must be served cold? 

            A. cheese                       C. fruits 

            B. frozen mousses       D. pudding 


22. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good fruit dessert? 

   A. rich flavor     

   B. firmness of shape 

   C. appetizing aroma    

    D. velvety smooth texture 


23. Which of the following is a characteristic of a soft custard?

A. appetizing aroma                

B. firmness of shape

C. velvety smooth texture    

D. clean-washed appearance 

24. Which of the following is a characteristic of pudding? 

A. appetizing aroma               

B. attractive appearance

C.  velvety smooth texture 

D. clean-washed appearance 


25. Which of the following is a characteristic of a baked custard? 

A. appetizing aroma               

B. attractive appearance

C.  velvety smooth texture 

D. clean-washed appearance

26. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a baked custard? 

A. excellent flavor           

B. appetizing aroma

C. creamy consistency 

D. smooth tender texture 


27. Which of the following is one of the ingredients in preparing leche flan? 

A. chocolate                C. egg yolk 

B. egg white                D. nuts 


28. Which of the following is a mixture of flour and water? 

      A. batter      C. Chocolate 

      B. butter      D. cream 


29. Which of the following is an ingredient often used as a decoration or accompaniment for both cold and hot desserts? 

      A. butter      C. cream 

      B. cheese      D. egg yolks 

30. Which of the following is a common element linking all desserts? 

      A. butter              C. cream 

      B. cheese              D. sugar 


31. Which of the following is used to set many cold molded desserts? 

     A. batter                C. gelatine 

     B. butter                D. egg yolk 


32. Which of the following sugar is used in most recipes?  

A. brown sugar     C. confectioner sugar B. castor sugar      D. granulated sugar 


33. Aldrin needed to prepare a leche flan for his graduation celebration. What kind of sugar does he need to use? 

A. brown sugar     C. confectioner sugar B. castor sugar      D. granulated sugar 


34. Which of the following is an ingredient in preparing batter? 

A. brown sugar          C. cream 

B. chocolate                 D. flour 


35. Which of the following sauce is suited for preparing simple desserts? 

A. cold sauces             C. light sauce 

B. hot fudge                 D. rich sauce 


36. Which of the following is suited to a rich dessert? 

A. cold sauces              C. light sauce 

B. hot fudge                  D. rich sauce 


37. Which of the following sauces is a simple puree of fresh or cooked fruits? 

A. custard sauce         C. syrups 

B. fruit purees          D. none of the above 


38. Which of the following is a thickening agent for sauces? 

A. batter                     C. chocolate 

B. butter                     D. cream 

39. Which of the following is a flavored liquid blend of ingredients that adds flavor and enhances the appearance of food? 

     A. cream               C. sauce 

     B. fudge                D. thickening agent 


40. Which of the following is a soft confection of butter, sugar, and chocolate? 

     A. cream               C. sauce 

     B. fudge                D. thickening agent 

41. Which of the following is an ingredient in preparing custard? 

     A. cream              C. egg yolk 

     B. egg white          D. water 


42. Angel wants to prepare a chocolate cake. Which of the following is the best garnish for her cake? 

   A. chocolate           C. mango 

    B. flower                D. strawberry 

 43. Edna prepared a strawberry ice cream. Which of the following is best to use as a garnish? 

   A. chocolate garnish    C. fruit garnish      B. cookie garnish           D. nut garnish 

 44.  Which of the following is NOT a guideline in plating dessert? 

A. Keep it simple. 

B. Make garnish edible. 

C. Add sauce or gravy attractively. 

D. Make your garnishes relate to the dessert on the plate. 

 45.  Which of the following is the frame of presentation? 

   A. bowl           C. plate 

   B. garnish        D. sauce 

 46.  Andrew presented a pudding to his teacher in cookery as his performance output. His teacher gave him 9 points out of 10 because of some mistakes in his presentation. What do you think is his mistake? 

     A. He kept his plate clean. 

     B. He chose garnish which is the correct size. 

     C. He decorated his pudding with inedible garnish. 

     D. He chose his plate wisely with the correct proportion size. 

 47.  Joshua wants to present his dessert beautifully. What does he need to do to achieve it? 

       A. Keep things clean. 

        B. Decorate a plate with something edible. 

       C. Always consider color as an important part of the plate. 

      D. All of the above 

 48.  Which of the following is a guideline for plating dessert? 

      A. Try different plates. 

      B. Make garnishes edible. 

      C. Keep it clean and simple. 

      D. All of the above 

 49. Which of the following containers is used to store sauces?

        A. airtight jar           C. bowl 

        B. aluminum foil     D. plastic bag 

 50.  Which of the following equipment is used in storing dessert? 

        A. aluminum foil        C. container 

        B. boxes                        D. refrigerator 



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